Sunday, December 2, 2012

The New World Order. 2012 update.

As all of you well read, readers of mine know, I kinda sorta DEFINITELY feel the end is near.
I think if I were old enough to be effected by y2k I would have feared that too and all other pre-apocalyptic theories that pass by with... well nothing happening.
However, I just feel it in my bones that something is about to happen. 19 days until December 21.

My fears about the new world order have been pretty on the down low, that is until my fabulous younger brother Mr. Liam Casey, decided to tell me about the illuminati. Which involves Jay-z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Tyler the creator, and other huge celebs of our mass media filled society.

And all my Rihanna lady lovers check this out !

I tried to watch some videos on it on youtube, including:

Honestly, there really long videos and they just sound like they come from people who believe in conspiracy theories and aren't giving me real facts. 
So I went to the most reliable resource, wikipedia. 

Basically the illuminati is a secret organization. Controlled by big money makers. They want to start the new world order, which is basically just a one world nation, all ruled under this organization. 
Some people say that events such as 9/11 are controlled by this organization. 

I don't know about all this...
My question is like what are they gonna do? Like it's also tied in with satanism, which I feel is a whole other issue... but I guess not really. 

So these people are going to have an antichrist and bring the world to a new order. 
This is the alleged goal.

I look around everyday and I see God more than I see evil. 
I see lives being lived. Yes, there's so much struggle and hardship but we slave away for what we want to have.

The only way someone is going to take over this country is by blindly leading our youth, in my opinion. 

I say bring it on bitches. 2012. I WILL SURVIVE. 

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