Thursday, February 19, 2015

Constant Motion

I feel like I have 20,000,000,000 things to do. 24/7.

I go to work, do work, am in constant motion, I'm doing work for my other jobs that I can't be at and then I'm rushing home. To relax? No, to get the rest of the work done.

if things were as simple as hiding in my bathroom and no one ever knowing I smoke(d).

I was assigned, a couple of weeks ago, to take a moment and meditate for my step work. This is one of the easiest assignments I have gotten. Usually I have to write and look inward. I literally have to sit and do nothing but I have found no time to just sit still.

Even when I get home and I'm like, "ok sit down and relax." I can't. I get in my bed to nap and I remember the errands I have to run and I get right out of bed. Or I try to turn on a tv show and not think and I start making lists in my head.

I feel like I have been very productive in the past couple weeks and it has encouraged me to be even more productive but it can be exhausting.
And I say I'm doing a million things but then I feel like I have gotten nothing done. Maybe my time management skills have just been failing me... per usual.

I, of course, am putting to much stress and pressure on myself. I have been constantly checking things off of my to do lists. But it just feels like there is always so much to get done.

And, maybe that's just life. The moment we are born, we are hurled into life and into the world. We are heading towards the future. As we move on from sleeping, growing, eating and pooping, we transition into adulthood and goals, dreams and expectations. Life's fucking hard and there is much to be done!

I've done the nothing thing
The sitting still and letting life pass by. I remember when my life consisted of wondering when my life was going to start.
Much like being hurled into life, I have been flung into the world. Last year, I sat still. Now I am in motion. A constant motion that is flowing and does not stop.

I think doing the work I do to leaves me feeling that there is more to be done. As I am on the front lines of the public school education system, I am seeing all the holes that need to be filled.
You know all the stories like the movie Freedom Writer? Where the teacher takes a "bad class" and turns them into upright citizens? That's the 1%. That shit doesn't happen everyday. It happens like maybe, maybe once a week, for a second. You have to push and push and push until you get a breakthrough. It doesn't happen easily or quickly.
But you can't let it break you either. You have to push because if you don't there will never be a breakthrough. You have to channel you're energy and you have to laugh. If you don't laugh a little you will break the fuck down.

But life will push you back. It's not fair but it's fucking life.
Everything you go through is for a reason and you will get to the other side.

I've heard it said that people who are afraid of hell have religion and people who have been through hell are spiritual. So call me spiritual.
I need my crystals. ~

Phhhhew it's exhausting.

So I'm off. To run some errands as quickly and effectively as possible.

Monday, February 16, 2015


I feel I have to do an obligatory valentines post... 

Yab is notorious for valentines posts. Angry, sad, always funny, posts. 

I had posts-of-valentines-past haunt me via timehop for the past month such as Why I Hate Valentines Day and of course Fuck Valentines Day.

This year however, I was not a bitter bitch. I felt very hopeful, and well, lovey! 

Someone at work reminded me of when we were all in grade school and you gave out valentines to literally everyone in the class. We all came home with a bag of candy, cards and we were all in this shit together. Literally everyone had a valentine and we all had each other. 

I felt more that way this year than I ever have since 5th grade. 
I have friends in relationships, single friend and my family that all equated to my valentines. 

My posts-of-valentines-past were always happening days before the event, leading up to it and then finally an angry Yab on the day of. This year it is a simple.recount. 
I think this is blatant proof of my progress to date. 

This weekend was awesome. 

Absolutely the best valentines day yet. Friday I went dancing with some of my favorite people, and I hadn't been out with them in forever. I got up saturday morning had coffee with an awesome new friend, got to walk dogs with my neighbor, the got my hair cut and lookin on fleek, and finally had sushi and rented movies with my brother. Glorious

It was a great day in general and a fabulous valentines day. 

I also got outside of myself, this holiday, for the first time ever. I have always made this holiday about me. About my misery and how I am single... because I always have been. But Valentines day is one of my favorite people's sober anniversary, and this year she had six years!! That is amazing, and I am so happy/proud of her. 
Sunday I helped to celebrate her and our other friend who just had two years, with arcade games, unicorns and vagina cakes.

With so much to celebrate, from love to sobriety, I don't know I even could have been miserable. 
I am so grateful to be able to post a blog post like this and keep the posts-of-valentines-past in the past. 

To anyone that had a horrible valentines day, it is now in it the past. Keep pushing forward. It's just a day and you can move forward. Remember you are never truly alone. Someone loves you, and if it is no one else, it is most definitely me!