Thursday, July 17, 2014

Chillan With Princess Lolly

Let me just say, I never thought I would be at this point. Feeling, completely and fully present and fulfilled. 

I have worked very hard to get where I am right now, and life is still a definite struggle but I am so happy with where my life is right now. 

I am feeling so elated that it’s borderline scary. It’s scary because I have felt very very happy before and then my life has turned upside down, inside out, and to shit. 

But this time it’s different. I'm just plain excited about everything.
I am excited about doing the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, doing my laundry, because it's in MY OWN APARTMENT. No one tells me to do anything, I make the choice to do it and right now I loooove doing it all! 
Don't get me wrong in a month I will fucking hate that I do not have a dishwasher and the fact that my laundry machine is a third of the size of a normal washer. But right now, BRING IT ON. 

All of my hard work is beginning to pay off. All of those times when I have felt that my life was non-repairable and that it would never get to where I wanted it to be is over. This is a huge feat. HUGE. 
It's easy for me to stay in the present currently because things feel surreal and I am just taking life in minute by minute. 
me in my apt lovin life... it's furnished now, don't worry.

I love what I do, and quite frankly, I’m pretty good at it, which is fucking amazing. 
I am a social media coordinator at a non-profit. I've been interning at this organization since January and they really appreciate all that I do. Their feedback on my work as of recently has given me a real sense of purpose. I have found, and am beginning to master, something I'm really good at. 
Last weekend, at a meeting I was called the "social media queen".
Like hello, Gabriella, future #GirlBoss.  

And I have a new program coming up that I am so nervous but so excited about its nuts.
I got accepted into a volunteer program of Greater Philadelphia 2014-2015. 
Basically it's a year of full-time volunteer service, with a living stipend. The point of the program is to reduce the drop out rate in public school systems. There are sites all over the country but I'm going to, obvi, be in Philly. 
Now you see, I'm scared for a couple of different reasons. Mostly I'm a little scared of the Philadelphia Public school systems but I am also going to meet a lot of new people and who knows what that will be like. 
But there are many more reasons as to why I'm excited. 
I know this program will help shape me into a different, and better, human being. A year from now I will have had an amazing experience and my view on life will be entirely different! HOW EXCITING. 

I don’t mean to brag about my life but I’m fucking happy and that in it’s self is a huge feat. 


Like besides the fact that I HAVE AN APARTMENT, I love where I live. Walking around my neighborhood and discovering new things is so much fun and entertaining to me. Northern Liberties, or No Libs (as the locals aka me, call it), is so hip and cool and there is so much to do, from going out to cool bars with amaze ball food- weekend flea markets AND amazing coffee shops. Shout out to @oneshotcoffee for providing the most amazing coffee drinks I've ever had. 

And my roommates are literally the best combination possible. 
Stephen, who I love more than most humans, and Samantha Devers, who has been one of my favorite people for years. I haven't seen Sam in like four years and the next time I see her she will moving in to live with me! (she hasn't moved in yet) I AM SO EXCITED. 

Good things are happening, fo sho. 
But of course it is scary. When things are going so well it's just like waiting for something bad to happen.
I guess the best thing I can do is fully and whole heartedly appreciate the good days and be on the defensive for the bad days. 

And I mean that's not to say my life is a game of fucking CandyLand.
Well... maybe it is because there is Gloppy the Molasses Monster and Lord Licorice. 
My gloppy would have to be my constant money issues and Lord Licorice the lingering feeling of anxiety that comes in waves. 
But right now, in my CandyLand life, I'd say I'm chillin Princess Lolly and Gramma Nut. 
So, as Gramma always says, "Let them eat peanut brittle"

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