Wednesday, March 20, 2013

One Day, One Year

Ok so Yab lied in her last post, saying I wasn't going to Burlington, VT for St. Paddy's, cause I definitely did that.

Now that I don't drink, visiting the town that I use to do all of my drinking in and being there on a drinking holiday, wasn't exactly a picnic. Honestly though, it wasn't hard.

I love going out with my friends to bars and dancing and I love getting to see the craziness that happens at house parties but it does not make me miss drinking.
If you don't know that you act like somewhat of an idiot when you drink in large quantities, in one way or another... you should reevaluate yourself.

The best part about being sober is getting to be the mom I'm meant to be. Taking care of my little babies and being able to deal with stressful situations is super easy when you're a sober sally.

All you really have is today. If you're lucky to have more than that you're doing something right. Guess what? I'm doing something right.
I have a year.

March 2012.
This time last year I was in the hospital, clinically insane. My body, physically and mentally, was shutting down.

The last few months leading up to the hospital my life was a mess. I was drinking too much, eating to little, and involved with some wrong people. I was treating myself poorly and letting others do the same. When I finally came to the decision to call my mom and turn my life around, it was a fight or flight reflex. I had to do it and get hell out of dodge.

Some of my friends had tried to warn me about my reckless behavior in the past but I never listened. It took hitting, my personal, rock bottom to get back up.

This past year has been really difficult. I've had to turn my life around.
180 degrees

If it wasn't for my family and my friends, that are basically my family, I really wouldn't be where I am now.

I pray everyday because I feel so blessed to be going in the direction that I am.

What made me feel the best about visiting Burlington was hearing from people that I inspire them. That really means so much to me. So as much as I'm doing this for me, I really hope it, in some way, helps you. 

How do I do it you ask? Easy. 

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