Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hello, Goodbye.

Summer 2012 is among us
nahh not really went to the Maya Exhibit today.

It's confirmed yabbers~ 2012 will not be the end. As far as Mayan observers, observe.

2011 is over and done with I know that much.

I wrote this little ditty that I would like to share with ya'll about last summer

I don't usually go back and release my old writing, but I'm making an exception, to make way for summer 12. 
So here ya ago. For those who care,

SUMMER 11 0bVi- just a little goodbye to make you cry:
You came and went way to fast. I can't believe it's all over, a summer of:
biking, cliff jumping, hand holding, tomato stealing, biking, star gazing, slap cup playing, buffaloving, skate ramp building, friend making, becoming part of something, going back to philly for a sec then coming back home, gaining trust back in myself and the world, half off burgers- only at riras, baby playing with my children, losing friends-making real ones- and finding family you never knew you had, moonbathon, superball, twitter, bisco stories, jobs, handy men and boss man menken, weed, living out of suit cases, binge drinking fer dayz, no rules but house rules and our own. 

It ended with good byes and hellos, and some serious Adele overload. 
“It was the time of our lives.”
I will never forget those long ass days and drama filled nights that included:
Door patrolling- complete with lists and stamps but everyone still got in, live music, shared weed and good beer- shocktop, ufo harpoon, bluemoon you name it we’ve had it, sandwich making, face drawing- asked for or not, waking up and not knowing how you got there but knowing exactly where you were, getting hammered at harry potter, weed butter, new apartments and areas of town- little Havana, the cock and the brothel, my very own crack den and the ladies and gents of mid town. 
~we will one day forget some of these things, but until them, I’11 never forget another defining summer~
Road trips with my bestie and having to continue the summer without her, being homeless and figuring it out myself, pumped up kids, cigs, packs of cigs, handing out cigs, grimy ass fungus growing in basements- with no lights that weren’t red or blue, pull out couches, muploads, glitter and rave fairies, beaches never opening and then rejoicing when they did! 
This summer made me invincible. Comparing the last two years I fully understand that I can do anything. 
Look at me now. 

We did everything spontaneous!
Neck piercing, new sunnies, glow in the dark shit, gypsies all over town, doing laundry or dishes for weed or booze or 5 bucks, living off the dollar menu, poor girl diet, puppies and dogs, long time good byes and travel story hellos, BUIs, drunk fights and sober sorrys, dancing girl, kegs and cops, weekly flip cup, lakeside chillen and getting baked by or in the sun, jews, spunions lost and found, life jackets, body paint, getting to push a button on the DJ stand, knowing the DJ omgomgomg, getting into the party cause it’s strictly #btv summer crew and obviously that includes you. Becoming a local and being young, wild, and free smoking weed. 

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