Saturday, January 14, 2012


I have heard a lot of boys say that 'girls are mean to boys.' 

This weekend, I noticed in particular, that I was not only mentally abused, by being called a slut several times- for no reason mind you...
I was also physically being pushed around!
I don't know if this has to do with the fact that I am a girl or just that I'm little.
I think it might be that I'm just littler. Because some girls who act like doods, choose to act this way too.
*note: there is a difference between doods and bros.

Either way. All of you doods need to settle. 

And I know I am not the only one feeling this way:
I got my first interview ever. OMG. In the brothel living room with
Haley Bertatas and Reetz the Peetz

It was a very tough interview to get...

How do you feel your male friends view you?
Bertatas: crazy, drunk girl, as a dude, nothing more.

How do you feel that treat you?
Bertatas: Lately like shit. I am a girl be nice to me. I have EMOTIONS!
Reetz: I mean, they are very sarcastic.
Bertatas: Ya, sarcasm only goes so far. IM A LADY BITCH. And it's not helping you get into my pants.

Do you think this has to do with a male insecurity thing?
Reetz: Ya.
Bertatas: Ya for sure. But just because you suck doesn't mean you can bring me down with you. Bitch, I'm beautiful.
Reetz: I feel like they think it's funny. Like its's a joke.
Bertatas: We have feelings too.

What would you say these boys need to do to get back on your good side?
Reetz: Buy me beer.
Bertatas: Kiss my ass, tell me I'm beautiful. Idk, don't use me as the bait to make people laugh. It's not funny. And an apology is always nice too.

Has a boy ever pushed you around jokingly recently? (or girl) How did that make you feel?
Bertatas: Yes, fuck you! I am not your toy. You clearly don't know me. I'm fucking crazy- no really though.
Reetz: Ha.

Would you be more pissed if a guy was staring at your chest during a conversation or yelling at you/talking down to you?
Bertatas: Talking down to me.

Bertatas: Because it's blatant disrespect
Reetz: If there talking down to you, they obviously don't take you seriously. Or they think your better than you.
Bertatas: And if there looking at my tits, obviously there looking at something they likkeee

Give me a word to sum up people that act this way?
Bertatas: Ignant. Chris Humphries.
Reetz: Obviously Ego has a huge thing to do with it. Just be simple.

Well there you have it folks, or should I say doods.
Don't forget the women around you are still girls. 

It's your choice really, you can either act like a douche bag or
Just be a little bit fucking nicer. Either to the girl your fucking or the girls you would never fuck but you've know longer than the bitch who's ass your kissing. 

Think before you speak. 


All you doods out there that think your like 'mad chill brah'...
It's not fucking mad chill to be talking out of your ass all day long, dropping names, swappin sex stories- and details-, judging bitches, assuming you know any[every]thing, etc.

Just shut the fuck up. 
[boys and girls alike]
that is all.

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